Saturday, July 27, 2013

Almost done!

I worked all day on this and I'm almost done. That's a good feeling! Hopefully today I will get it finished. I need to stitch around the seaweed, scallop the top, and back and quilt it. Not too much more to do.

I also started cutting the pieces for this last night....

I just LOVE Flying Geese for some reason and right now pinks appeal to me! I was able to pull everything I needed from my stash too! I remember when I first started quilting five short years ago.......I looked at pictures of other quilter's stash and was amazed. I didn't think I'd EVER be able to make a quilt from mine. Now I still can't rival some of those pictures but I can make a quilt from mine! I'm thinking this might be my first quilt to tie......I am not sure though. I can also picture big stitches around all those geese and something in those big pink squares. Isn't it just lovely?